To own their own affiliate marketing business is the dream of many people, from all walks of life, both young and old. People who dream about owning their own business, often dream that seductive, wonderful and tantalising dream, the dream of being their own boss: the dream of becoming financially independent is so very real to them. The luxurious dream of not having to live from pay check to pay check, any longer. The, almost real, dream of not having to get up each morning, at some unearthly hour: for five or six days every week. Unfortunately, in reality, it will always remain a dream unless people take action.
Many people just dream about not having to go into work and face their boss, whom they just plain don’t like: and, their normal routine. Their routine is usually that same old familiar, soul destroying, spirit crushing, routine; which, depending on where in the world you live, is at its worst during the winter months. It’s the dreaded routine of having to get up in the morning, while it’s still dark: then, when you get home at night again, finding it’s still dark again. That’s the routine that steadily wears you down; and, slowly but surely, kills people over the years.
Unfortunately for lots of people, who don’t have any other options, this is the reality of their everyday working life, and it always will be unless they take action, and change that routine. That spirit draining, life sucking, mind numbing, everyday routine that destroys their happiness; and, sometimes, their very soul. Their routine of waking up, getting out of bed and taking a shower, of eating a hurried breakfast, gulping down a quick cup of coffee; then dashing out, maybe, in the rain or snow, to the dreaded daily commute, of maybe an hour or more in heavy traffic.
Ask yourself if your own routine of arriving at your ‘j.o.b’; and, for the next eight hours, being at the beck and call of your boss, is really what you want to settle for? This, for five or six days, each and every week; and for, maybe, the next forty or fifty years: for the rest of your life, until you die? I ask this because there is a much more attractive, and much, much, more lucrative alternative: but, unless you do something about it, and take action, nothing will change!
Given the above harsh truths, it’s no wonder that so many peoples’ minds yearn for the freedom that owning their own online business can give them. Well, guess what, for those people who don’t have a ‘slave mentality’; for those who dream of living life on their own terms, and not having to answer to their boss, you can do just that. Because, with the advent of the new online digital economy, freedom is yours for the taking. Freedom now awaits people just like you.
For those who are possessed of an entrepreneurial spirit, and are willing to invest in themselves, and learn, there are now online business opportunities, such as buying and selling: or affiliate marketing, which allows people who fit the above description, to work from the comfort of their own homes. Affiliate marketing can enable you to travel; and, to be able to work from your own kitchen table, or anywhere else in the world. You can even work from the beach if you wish, (and if the weather permits.J)
Yes, there are some people who will hesitate, and start thinking about the responsibilities of owning their own business. About how they would be able to manage to do all of the different jobs that owning their own business will bring with it? I know that scares the living daylights out of a lot of timid people! There are some people who lack the courage, and tend to shy away from, even the very thought of, owning their own businesses: mostly because of all the different skills that are needed!
Those fears are ungrounded, kick them out, they should not be allowed to stop you owning your own business. The chief culprit responsible for those fears is the past mind conditioning that all of us have experienced, for most of our past lives. To give you an example of this, let’s say that, if I asked you this question, ‘Can you could finish this well known old saying?’, “If you want something doing right, ‘di dah de dah di dah’.” I’ll bet that you would very likely be able to give me the correct answer; because, as most of us know, we’ve been taught that the final words of this sentence are “do it yourself”.
This saying was credited to one Charles-Guillaume Etienne, who was a 19th Century French writer. Since then, it’s been passed on, over and over again; ad nauseum, by well-meaning parents, coaches, gurus and anyone else in the world who teaches self-reliance. For over two hundred years it has been gobbled up, without a second thought, and passed on by their disciples: also by their children, their followers and their minions. We’ve all been mind-conditioned into accepting as being the truth, the old saying that, “If you want something doing right you must do it yourself.”
At best, this is suspect advice because, when you think about that saying, it’s probably one of the worst pieces of advice to ever have become a universal cliché. Not least because, unless you’re an absolutely superb expert at that particular, “something”, that you need doing, how can you be sure that you are going to have the necessary skills that will enable you to “do it right”, when you try to do it yourself?
Most human beings are highly proficient at only a handful of skills. So, for 99.999% of those “somethings”, that you want doing right, isn’t it better to find someone else to do it for you? Someone who really is highly qualified, and very talented, at whatever it is that you want doing: and, definitely, not to keep on slaving away, trying to doing it yourself.
In the new global digital economy there are people who earn their full time living working online, people whom you can hire to do anything you need doing. For example, let’s say that you need someone to write great copy for you; or, to design and build you a highly converting web site and make sure that your site is optimized, so it will rank highly on the search engine results.
There are many hundreds of other ‘somethings’ that you might need doing; but, on the plus side, there are literally thousands of highly qualified experts online who are competing for our business, and who will do those ‘somethings’ for us: starting from as little as $5.00. So, when ‘hired help’ is available very cheaply, it’s not very smart to try and do these things yourself. You should stick to doing the things that you really are good at.
There are some really great online, work from home businesses; which, if you are willing to work at, will enable you to make you a very good income and will give you the freedom to live life on your own terms. A life that can bring you very rich financial rewards, and will enable you to have the time to travel the world and meet new people. People who are of the same, entrepreneurial, go-ahead, mind set as you are. You don’t have to do everything yourself, in fact it’s not very smart to even try.
One of the misconceptions that people have about owning their own business, is that you need to have a huge amount of start-up capital in order to do it: well, a a misconception is exactly what that is, a wrong idea, a misunderstanding. Because you definitely do NOT need a huge pile of cash to get started on the pathway to owning your own business, your freedom giving, liberating and very profitable, own business: in fact, you can get started for less than $50. Nor, do you have to try doing everything yourself; there are very successful people who are willing to mentor you, to train you and, virtually, ‘hold your hand, along the road to financial freedom.